Share Information

As of 23-Oct-24 14:29.
  • 15.29 EGP
  • 0.04
  • 4.16%
Ticker GBCO.CA
ISIN Code EGS673T1C012
Market EGX
Sector Industrial Goods, Services and Automobiles
Issued Capital EGP 1,085,500,000
Authorized Capital EGP 5,000,000,000
Par Value / Share EGP 1
Common Shares 1,085,500,000
Number of Listed Shares 1,085,500,000
Date of Listing 09 July 2007
Paid-in Capital EGP 1,085,500,000

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Return calculations do not include reinvested cash dividends. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future performance.