ESG Policy

1. Purpose and Scope

GB Corp. (the “Group”) has consistently provided the Egyptian community with a broad spectrum of mobility solutions that epitomize outstanding quality and exemplary service. The Group acknowledges the pivotal role that sustainability plays in ensuring our enduring prosperity and success. Our aim is to align our business operations with the global commitments and industry best practices to create a sustainable, resilient and future-fit company that positively contributes to human flourishing and to sustaining a liveable planet with healthy and diverse ecosystems. It is our capacity and responsibility to unlock and support positive trends in mobility and finance, leveraging our diverse portfolio, impressive talent pool, extensive customer base, and strong networks.

Our dedication to Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles is a driving force behind our activities. These principles are encapsulated in our ESG policy, which informs and shapes our business practices. This policy guides our business practices and, together with our ESG Strategy 2022-2025 with 2030 Vision, specifically addresses the unique challenges of our industry. The ESG policy is foundational to integrating these principles into GB Corp.'s business objectives and operational framework, establishing a standard for responsibility throughout the company. This policy sets a benchmark for responsibility and is applied across all levels of the GB Corp. group, including our subsidiaries and personnel, fostering a culture of accountability.

1.1 Background

GB Corporate has established itself as a local and regional leader, continuously seizing market opportunities to broaden its offerings and deliver integrated mobility and financial solutions. The unified entity encompasses GB Auto, GB Capital, GB Logistics, GB Ventures, GB Academy, and the Ghabbour Foundation for Development as subsidiaries of GB Corp.

1.2 Objective

GB Corp. understands that embedding ESG principles within its automotive and financial operations is key to bolstering medium and long-term organizational performance, reducing material risks, and securing a competitive edge in the industry.

Our impact permeates the entire value chain, from supplier engagement to the end-user experience. Guided by thorough research, an evaluation of risks and opportunities, and a rigorous materiality assessment, we have formulated our ESG Policy. The primary goals of this policy are to direct GB Corp.'s actions and ensure governance through the following internally established principles:

  1. Integrate ESG considerations into our decision-making processes for both automotive and financial operations, prioritizing comprehensive risk management and the disclosure of all pertinent data.
  2. Maintain alignment of our policies and practices with current ESG requirements.
  3. Encourage the adoption and execution of ESG principles, ensuring transparency in the disclosure of information relevant to our operations.
  4. Establish and uphold clear communication regarding ESG issues to our stakeholders, thus ensuring the efficient adoption of our ESG Policy.
  5. Commit to ongoing reporting of our progress in the effective implementation of ESG principles.

This policy is applicable to all GB Corp. subsidiaries and spans all services and activities within both public and private sectors. It is to be enforced in conjunction with GB Corp's other existing policies and procedures.

1.3 Principles

We have developed five internal principles to guide our action based on key international developments and considering the context in which we operate.

  1. Principle #1. Alignment: Our action on sustainability shall be aligned with common international frameworks guiding corporate citizenship, such as the UNGC Ten Guiding Principles, International Integrated Reporting Framework Guiding Principles, and the Global Reporting Initiative Principles.
  2. Principle #2. Dynamic and double materiality: We have determined our material topics based on a robust and regular materiality assessment. Material topics shall reflect both the financial and non-financial impacts on the business and the impacts of the business based on the double materiality approach. Materiality shall also be recognized as dynamic. Thus what is material to GB Corp. may change over time, which shall lead to changes in our focus areas and disclosures.
  3. Pillars SDGs Commitments
    Good governance 16 Corporate governance
    16 Business integrity and conduct
    12 Quality, compliance, and risk management
    Vibrant business 9 Technology and innovation
    12 Customer experience and sustainability
    9, 10 Responsible investment and finance
    8, 17 Resilient supply chains
    Liveable planet 7, 13 Climate and energy
    7, 9 Sustainable mobility
    12 Circular economy
    3, 12, 14, 15 Green facilities
    Thriving humanity 3 Health, safety and wellbeing
    5 Diversity and inclusion
    4 Human potential
    11 Supporting society
  4. Principle #3. Precautionary approach: We shall always aim to foresee any adverse impacts and risks from our activities and adopt measures to eliminate conditions that may create those impacts.
  5. Principle #4. Integration and Resilience: Sustainability action shall be considered as a holistic process that integrates multiple domains. Where different areas can both support and compete with each other, we will strive to avoid trade-offs and generate synergies across different spatial boundaries and temporal horizons, while building resilience through adaptive planning and continuous organizational learning to accommodate both internal and external change.
  6. Principle #5. Stakeholder dialogue and collaboration: We shall proactively engage stakeholders to factor in their values, needs and preferences, considering our impacts on them and most favorable means to build a mutual understanding and trust. We shall embrace or productively reconcile differences in values and opinions while leveraging the unique capacities of every stakeholder to generate fruitful collaborations and make a positive difference together. In our pursuit of transparency and accountability, we are committed to clear communication, ensuring that all relevant and material information is accessible and usable by our stakeholders. Moreover, our goal extends beyond mere compliance; we aim to lead the transition, accelerating dialogue and progress towards a more sustainable society through proactive action.

2. ESG Key Guidelines and Governance

2.1 ESG Guidelines

  1. GB Corp. adopts the ESG guidelines of this policy related to automobile and financial industries. This is incorporated into written policy, business strategy, plans and targets, where possible to ensure that all operations and processes are screened and assessed against material ESG risks and material sustainability topics.
  2. Respect the commitment to align our business with the UN Sustainable Development Goals, Egypt Vision 2030, and Agenda 2063: The Africa We Want and other broad sustainability frameworks and commitments adopted at the international, regional, and local levels.
  3. Develop and regularly update group-wide Sustainability Strategy to define specific pillars, commitments, priority areas and targets for our actions; complement the strategy with detailed action plans for the most significant material topics.
  4. Implement comprehensive sustainability impact assessments for all new developments and products.
  5. Integrate the environmental variables, with respect to the natural surroundings and in the execution of all projects, reflecting its commitment to the protection and conservation of the environment in all its actions.
  6. Contribute to better managing of natural resources and the environment, with efficiency, innovation and efficacy, minimizing the negative impacts arising from our activity, and complying with the policies and procedures established in the environmental management systems.
  7. Ensure the well-being of GB Corp employees through equal opportunities and maintain an occupational risk prevention system that provides a healthy working environment.
  8. Organize data management and continuous monitoring of key ESG metrics.
  9. Generate annual reporting and disclosure on Group sustainability action in line with common disclosure frameworks and national requirements and communicate progress via dedicated channels to our stakeholders and the broader public.
  10. Conduct external validation of sustainability targets and third-party verification for materiality assessments and sustainability disclosures.
  11. Conduct dedicated research and development activities to improve action on sustainability across our range of products and services. Use our expertise to generate new sustainable solutions.
  12. Obtain high-end sustainability certifications and labels to meet stakeholder expectations and market demands.
  13. Develop financial and non-financial incentives for management at all levels for considering sustainability criteria when making business decisions and leading by example on implementing innovative sustainable solutions and approaches, as well as sustainable lifestyles.
  14. Facilitate organizational learning on sustainability, including integration of sustainability mindset into our corporate culture and tailored training for employees considering their particular responsibilities and areas of action.
  15. Conduct new investments based on the criteria of sustainable value creation, including both investments directly related to core business activities and community investing.
  16. Prevent financing or investing in new developments and collaborations that undermine global and local sustainability pursuits.
  17. Cooperate with initiatives, organizations, associations, networks and coalitions to scale ambitious sustainability action.
  18. Publicly support national and local sustainability action, relevant legal and regulatory initiatives.
  19. Align Group sustainability action with the criteria of common ESG indices, ratings and rankings.
  20. Compensate and neutralize negative impacts via measures such as offsetting only when all other feasible options are exhausted.

2.2 Governance and Responsibilities

Responsibilities for implementing this Policy shall be distributed as follows (some areas of responsibility may overlap). We shall also introduce a Sustainability Assistant Vice President position as the highest executive position managing the implementation of our key strategic sustainability initiatives and projects.

Role Responsibilities
The Board 1, 2
Audit Committee 5, 9, 17
Top management 3, 16, 17, 19
Sustainability Assistant Vice President 4, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 15, 18, 20, 21, 22
All Management / Managers within respective functions 6, 10, 11, 15
All Employees 14

The board may revise this policy annually to incorporate new knowledge and developments.

2.3 Stakeholders Engagement

GB Corp. regards stakeholder engagement as a fundamental component of ESG integration, enabling the proactive management of ESG factors. Through supportive and constructive dialogue, we position our stakeholders to effectively assess the potential impact of ESG issues and the results of various activities or processes.

We engage with our stakeholders regularly throughout the year to understand their diverse needs, suggestions, and preferences. Our goal is to refine our communication channels with each stakeholder group, ensuring we address their most significant concerns and implement their feedback to the fullest extent. Leveraging our stakeholders’ valuable insights, we aim to enhance our business performance, improve our products and services, and amplify our overall impact.

2.4 Capacity Building

GB Corp. should offer annual training on sustainability, including ESG factors to employees across all subsidiaries.

3. Reporting

GB Corp. is committed to transparency regarding its ESG initiatives and will publicly disclose the following information:

  • GB Corp. Public ESG Policy
  • Annual disclosures on GB Corp.'s ESG integration efforts within our sustainability report